Bryn Krenner | Founder and Curator
Upon Bryn’s arrival to New York in 2009, she has worked professionally with numerous local music and art venues to organize individual shows and ongoing events. Bryn is a music booking agent for Brooklyn based band Iced Ink (, and solo artist, Finnegan ( In addition to these duties, she has established an ongoing professional relationship with venue representatives and fellow music agents, as well as playing a role in the creative design and merchandising for her represented clients.

Mike Krenner | Music and Technical Custodian
Mike has been drawing since he was old enough to hold a crayon, playing guitar since he discovered it at the age of 7, and fixing computers since breaking his first one back in 1995 and deciding it was more affordable to learn how to fix it vs. paying someone to do it. Born and raised in St. Paul MN, he visited New York City for the first time in 2007 when his oddball instrumental guitar music begged him to move there. And so he did. Mike works in the IT Department at Freelancers Union in Brooklyn in order to feed his addiction of composing music. He keeps said music alive by playing it in the New York City area as much as humanly possible.

(We love you!)
Nicole de Waal
Ralph Andre
Carlos Henriquez


Elyssa Goodman